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Frequently Asked Questions

I. General questions

II. Software questions

III. DNS questions

IV. Domain name questions

I. General questions

1. What does DNS Max do?
DNS Max gives you full control over the DNS configuration of your domain name. Or, you can create a zone under thatdns.com (such as myname.thatdns.com) that you have full control over. You can create and modify DNS records and have them immediately available on the Internet. DNS Max also supports dynamic DNS, which means you can create hostnames that point to your computer even if it has a dynamic IP address.

2. How do I get a hostname?
It's simple. To create your account, visit our sign up page. Once you have created your account, log in and add your hostname by clicking the "create a new zone" link. If the Internet address to which your hostname points will change dynamically, you can install WinIP or other software to keep the hostname up to date.

s 3. I've setup my hostname, but it doesn't point to me. What's wrong?
Please see our troubleshooting guide for help.

4. I've setup my hostname, but I can't get to my web server (FTP server, any other service). What's wrong?
If your hostname correctly points to your computer but your web (or other type of) server is unavailable, it is likely that traffic to your server is being blocked by a firewall, or the server is not configured correctly. Check to make sure you are allowing the desired traffic through your firewall and that your configuration is correct.

5. I lost my password. How can I access my account?
Visit our password retrieval page to reset your password.

6. How do I update my account information?
Log in to your account and click the "Account Information" link.

7. How do I cancel my account?
Please contact us with your request.

II. Software questions

1. Does WinIP work if I run it from behind a firewall or gateway?
Yes, with the proper configuration. If your firewall blocks outgoing traffic, you will need to allow traffic on port 3822 to leave your network. If you are running servers that you would like others to access, you will also need to configure your firewall to allow the desired incoming traffic.

Please see knowledge base article 100102 for information if you are running WinIP 3.0 or earlier.

2. Does WinIP let me run a web server, FTP server, etc.?
While WinIP is not a web server, FTP server, or any other type of server, it makes it practical for you to run such servers. Without a static hostname pointing to your computer, people would have to type in your IP address, which may be different each time they access your server. However, to run a web site or other service, you will need to install additional software.

3. WinIP says my hostname is updated, but I can't access my computer using the hostname. What's wrong?
First, make sure traffic to your computer is not being blocked by a firewall. Also, you may need to wait a few minutes for your hostname to become available, depending on your ISP's settings. Please see our troubleshooting guide for more help.

III. DNS questions
1. Do you support IPv6?
Yes. To have a hostname point to an IPv6 address, simply add a new hostname as you normally would and set the record type to AAAA.

2. What does an MX record do?
An MX record sets the mail server for a given zone. If you have the domain myname.com, setting an MX record for myname.com will determine where mail for anyaddress@myname.com is sent. The mail server must be configured to accept mail for the domain name.

IV. Domain name questions

1. Can I use my own domain with DNS Max?
Absolutely. To add your own domain to your account, log in and click the "DNS Zones" link.

For instructions on how to register and configure your own domain, please see our article on how to configure a domain name.

2. Can I use any domain name registrar to get my domain for DNS Max?
Yes. The only requirement is that you give the registrar our name servers when you register your domain (or update the name servers if you already own the domain). Please see below for the addresses of our name servers.

For instructions on how to register and configure your own domain, please see our article on how to configure a domain name.

3. Can I use a domain with DNS Max if I already have it registered?
Yes. Just update your domain's name servers with your registrar to point to our systems. Please see below for the addresses of our name servers.

For instructions on how to register and configure your own domain, please see our article on how to configure a domain name.

4. What addresses should I give to my domain registrar when they ask for my name servers?

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